Old Time Rock And Roll

Bruce Springsteen Concert - Houston, TX 4-8-09

Bruce Springsteen Concert - Houston, TX 4-8-09


Last week I was lucky enough to go see Bruce Springsteen in concert! Let me tell you the guy is just plain awesome as is the rest of his band. They played 25 songs in 2 hours and 40 minutes!

Remember when you were a kid and all you heard was “You’re not old enough!”? Well, I realized the other night that sometimes you are just getting too old for certain things and going to concerts is one of them!

You might be getting too old to go to concerts if:

  • You spend more time in the bathroom instead of the beer line.
  • You hear a young person comment on how he remembers hearing this song on the Classic Rock station.
  • The person sitting next to you takes out his hearing aids.
  • You see a guy leaving the concert by an Ambulance Stretcher, not a Stretch Limo!

Busy, Busy, Busy

This week seems like it is going to be another busy week! It’s all good stuff, but it is keeping me way too busy!

Wednesday night we are going to see Bruce Springsteen in concert! We bought tickets the minute they went on sale. This will be my 5th time to see him. His concerts are always great! I just hope we don’t get told to sit down like we did last year when we went!

My youngest daughter is actually supposed to be in a program at our church/school the same night as the concert. She will of course have to miss it but they are doing the program again Thursday morning which I will get up bright and early to go see! I felt so bad telling her teacher, “Sorry, but we are going to see Bruce that night so she is going to have to miss doing the Way of the Cross.”

This week is also Master’s Week! In my house this week is totaly dedicated to golf. We were lucky enough to het to go to the Master’s in 2000 and I would love to go again! I will even make Egg Salad Sandwhiches for when we watch it this weekend. It won’t be like walking the course with one in your hand, but it’s as close as we will get.

Par 3 Course at the Masters

This weekend is of course Easter so we will be coloring eggs and going up to my in-laws. The Easter Bunny will also have to appear which means I need to get off my lazy butt and go shopping for goodies to put in the baskets. Also with Easter being this Sunday, Lent is over which means I get to eat chocolate again!

Life will be good come Sunday!

Fa, La, La, La, La…Bruce Springsteen

Just when you think you have had enough Christmas music to last until next year, I come along!

Starting today I am going to post a Christmas song a day until Christmas. Some might be classics, some might be funny. They will all be from my list of favorites!

If I have a story to go along with the song I will be glad to share it with you. If you have one please feel free to share it with me.

Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band
Merry Christmas Baby

Put On Your Dancing Shoes!

Last night my husband and I actually left the kids alone for the night. We went to the Bruce Springsteen concert and had a blast! The show was scheduled to start at 7:30 which everyone knows never happens. At 8 o’clock the stage crew came out and removed the current set lists from the floor and taped down a new one and at 8:30 they came out and started playing. They played 26 songs for us and they were just great as usual! Great to see those old guys up and rocking!

The audience was pretty lame, at least where we were sitting. Up in the nose bleed seats, which we payed $95 plus per seat, everybody was sitting on their butts! I know the crowd is getting a little old and being a Monday night stinks. But come on, get up and dance! We were actually told by an usher that we were bothering people by dancing. If you want to sit and listen that is cool with me, but I paid to go see a concert. At concerts I dance, scream, and sing. If you want to sit and be quiet then go to the Symphony!

*Today my kids will see how mom is on only 4 hours of sleep. Actually, I should really just call it a nap! Please pray for them!